Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

I wanted to start a blog showcasing some of my favorite collectible toys.  Since I especially love monsters, mutants, minifigs, little weirdos, and other little rubber guys, I figured I'd strive to start it on Halloween.  I'm having a lot of computer and network issues right now, but I should have some content here soon.  The first two toylines that I plan to explore are the TeenyFreaks by Party Animal Toys and the Zombiezz by Entertoyment.  Stay tuned.

"Let Your Toys Live" is simply the idea that as a collector, particularly an adult collector, go ahead and take your toys out of their packages! Let 'em breath! Essentially its just an appreciation of a toy's intrinsic value above its financial value.  That's all.  As such, I'm a fan of  toy photo shoots, all kinds of customizing, and pretty much any cool collection of out-of-the-package toys.    Whether for play or display, let your toys live!