Sunday, January 25, 2015

Transformers Tiny Titans

Transformers Tiny Titans are blind-bagged impulse toys made to support the new animated TV show Transformers: Robots in Disguise on Cartoon Network. There are 12 figures to collect per series.  Hasbro released Series 1 in January, 2015.

These non-converting, non-articulated figures are typically between 1.75 and 2.25 inches.  They are made of a medium-hard plastic that is common to many types of action figures.  Each solid-color plastic figure has one to four colors of paint added.  While the paint applications are extremely simplistic, at least they're not sloppy.  There is no tampography at all, and the insignias -- while molded into the plastic -- are not colored.  Series 1 can be divided into three groups of four figures based on their plastic color.

In addition to the single figure, each blind-bag contains one character card.  The cards are the size of typical trading cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches) and can be kept in standard pages. One side of the card features a checklist of all 12 figures.  This eliminates the need to include a separate checklist, or put one on the outside of the packaging.  The other side of the card features the character's name and an image of the character.  The images are significantly differerent from the figures both in pose and design. For example, Prowl appears as white with dark blue accents on the card, whereas his figure is dark gray with light blue accents. The character side of the card also features a unique emblem that you can scan to play that character in a related App game.  Each pack also contains a small piece of paper describing how to download the App and how to scan the cards with a smartphone.

Back to the figures.  There are seven Autobots and five Decepticons in Series 1.  The Autobots are: Bumblebee, Grimlock, Strongarm, Sideswipe, Optimus Prime, Prowl, and Cliffjumper.  The Decepticons are:  Steeljaw, Underbite, Thunder-Hoof, Hammer-Strike, and Bisk.



Here is each figure presented in the order of the numbers on their cards, regardless of faction:

Bumblebee and Grimlock

Strongarm and Steeljaw

Sideswipe and Optimus Prime

Underbite and Thunder-Hoof

Prowl and Hammer-Strike

Bisk and Cliffjumper

At first, these figures may seem like miniature non-articulated versions of the popular non-converting Robot Heroes toyline.

More appropriately, they are simply the boys toys version of Hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 2-inch toys.  The MLP figures have the same price-point, are made of the same plastic, also come with character cards, and also come in blind-bagged series of twelve. (Edit: Each MLP series actually has 24 figures.)  This particular MLP toyline has been going strong for several years and is currently in it's eleventh series.

Hopefully the Tiny Titans figures will become just as prolific as the MLP figures.  It is looking like a real possibility:  Series 2 has already hit certain markets and the tie-in App game is scheduled to be available at least through June 30, 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Well these look fun! I have not seen them in my area yet but am sure they will pop up soon.
